Beauty queen joins battle against coronavirus


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April 13, 2020

Miss Manila 2014 Dr. Krischelle Halili has joined the battle against coronavirus disease. The beauty queen was a nurse, before becoming a full-fledged doctor and is now the medical director of healthcare holdings company DNA Holdings.

The beauty queen shared that her goal was always to become a doctor. She said she participated in pageants as she craved to contribute to the community in a much bigger aspect. After winning the crown, Halili went back to school and finally became a doctor.

She didn't become a beauty queen for nothing — pageant training has taught her to stay composed and calm in the face of challenges. "As a beauty queen I guess you always have to learn to stay composed, especially when you're anxious or in front of people," Halili said.

The gorgeous beauty helps with testing patients, building mobile hospitals and laboratories, and manufacturing test kits. “I’m still exposed to a lot of people, a lot of carriers. I’ve tested people who turned out to be exposed or positive. I’m just doing the best that I can to protect myself and limit all the meetings.”

Krischelle said she feels she's living life with purpose, “Even if I’m not directly in contact with patients, I’m actually helping shape the health system and that’s actually directing the health management that needs to be coordinated for us to solve this crisis, so we can flatten the curve and go back to our normal lives as fast as we can. It's my sworn duty as a doctor to help especially since it's a health crisis" she said in an interview.


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