Beauty queens advocate social distancing by virtual connect


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March 25, 2020

In the midst of Coronavirus pandemic, many countries around the world are now experiencing different measures in an attempt to enforce social distancing to slow the spread of Covid-19. People are forced to stay indoors. 

Miss Universe 2019 Zozibini Tunzi

While self-isolation and quarantine are aimed at preventing people from passing on the virus, staying away from friends and family is not easy. Miss Universe organization has started this initiative by asking people to share their quarantine stories using #UniverseUnited.

Miss USA 2019 Cheslie Kryst

In the absence of effective drugs, prevention is the only key. But social distancing does not necessarily mean stopping all contact. Stay in touch with the world while getting used to the 'new normal' of being home. Share your quarantine stories under #UniverseUnited.

Miss Universe 2015 Pia Wurtzbach

Pageant queens from all over the world are practicing social distancing and have taken this initiative where social media is flooded with positive messages under the hashtag #UniverseUnited to keep the world active and motivated amidst the widespread of Coronavirus. 

Miss Idaho USA 2020 Kim Layne

Every soul around the globe is trying to create awareness about the need of social distancing and personal hygiene, World Health Organization has also come up with a very innovative way to make people across the world aware about how essential it is for everyone to wash their hands. 

Miss New Jersey USA 2020 Gina Mellish


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