Better East Texas: Even Miss America falls victim to political arguments


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Monday, September 25th 2017, 11:06 pm BRT

By Pat Stacey, General ManagerCONNECT

It seems nothing these days is outside of being involved in blatant political themes. You might be thinking of some news channels but I am actually speaking about the Miss America Pageant that aired recently.

As is typical with most pageants, the competition rolls through the night and features wardrobe and, in this case, talent competition. And then it gets down to the interview and for the finalists, the dreaded judges questions. Well, this year several of the judges’ questions were set-ups for the contestants to lambast or criticize the president.

President Trump and pageants go way back, as he owned the Miss Universe organization, but this was not Miss Universe, but rather Miss America and the judges’ questions were over the top. Now, thankfully the days of questions dealing with world peace or the one thing you’d want on a desert island are gone, but blatant political bating should be off limits.

This does nothing but elevate the motivation for others to use other formerly pure events in a malicious way to make a political statement. We have enough talk shows and opinion shows on both sides, and putting a wolf in sheep’s clothing is shameful. Soon the 2018 primary election cycle will kick in and I truly hope candidates at all levels show a little restraint and class and then groups like the ones that corrupted Miss America can be easily called out. It is probably a pipe dream but if it happens, it will make for A Better East Texas.


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