Bolivia's Lenka Nemer D'rpic shares the 'evil things' she witnessed at the Miss Universe pageant


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Miss Universe Bolivia Lenka Nemer D'rpic divulged several revelations about the pageant, including witnessing "evil things" and foreseeing that she wouldn't make the cut.

In an interview with Colombian commentator Diego Acero via Instagram, which was translated by Critical Beauty, D'rpic revealed that she thinks "it was not her destiny" to win the pageant and that "her profile does not match what MUO (Miss Universe Organization) was looking for." Instead, she envisioned fellow beauty queen Maria Thattil of Australia would make the cut.

Additionally, the human rights activist revealed that no one knew about the Miss Universe Social Impact Award, an award that is presented for the first time at Miss Universe, and that she was "shocked" and broke down "into tears" when her name was called.

"Lenka said that Mark the choreographer grabbed her during the commercials and told her to prepare to return to the stage. When her country’s name was announced as the recipient of the award, she was shocked and broke into tears," wrote Critical Beauty.

In the same interview, D'rpic shared that while she was "heavily criticized" for her red evening gown with pointy shoulders during the preliminary round, she still continued to wear it "because it symbolizes strength and empowerment."

Photo by Miss Universe/Benjamin Askinas

The 24-year-old Bolivian beauty queen also mentioned that some gowns worn by the contestants were broken, including hers, which got ruined when she accidentally stepped on it. "She saw feathers missing from the national costumes and other 'evil' things but she didn’t see which of the contestants had committed them," wrote Critical Beauty. And according to D'rpic, "evil things happen all the time even in pageants."

But all is well for D'rpic. She revealed that Miss Universe Andrea Meza from Mexico is well loved by all the girls. "She advised Andrea to make the most of her reign because it is short," the post wrote.

Acero also asked D'rpic as to why she didn’t make it to the semifinals, to which the Bolivian model said it wasn’t meant to be. "Whatever was supposed to happen that night had already been written by destiny," the caption wrote.

D'rpic won the Social Impact Award, which came with $10,000 (P478,000), for her "leadership and dedication" toward improving "the lives of the people in her country."

In her acceptance speech she said: "It is impressive because it will allow me to work for my community to grow. For me, there is nothing more important than working for my community and we hope to continue working not only in Bolivia but throughout Latin America because eradicating hunger is crucial. Generating security food is important and to be a little closer to eradicating poverty."

Banner image from Lenka Nemer D'rpic's Instagram (@lenkanemerdrpic)


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