Bournemouth’s Romy Simpkins selected for Miss Universe Great Britain finals


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Sarah Cartlidge

A BOURNEMOUTH woman has been selected as a finalist in the 2018 Miss Universe Great Britain competition.

Romy Simpkins, 24, entered her very first pageant in 2012 and will compete in the Miss Universe Great Britain finals in July.

She was crowned Miss International United Kingdom 2016 and also represented the United Kingdom at the Miss International 2016 pageant in Tokyo, Japan.

The winner of Miss Universe Great Britain will represent her country at Miss Universe.

They will also have the opportunity to visit Sheroes Hangout in India, a place that supports women who have been acid attack victims.

The winner will also visit Black Mamba Anti-Poaching Unit in South Africa which is the first female majority anti-poaching unit.

Romy is a mental health ambassador and is also studying to be a counsellor.

She says she “wishes to end the stigma to mental health issues and pageant and set the tone on how we should all support each other in making the world a better place.”


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