Brazilian born activist and “green influencer” crowned Miss Germany


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Monday, February 21st 2022 - 09:18

Domitila cheered by her supporters after she was crowned Miss Germany

A Brazilian-born activist and “green influencer” has been crowned Miss Germany. Domitila Barros, 37, who lives in Berlin was competing for the title against other contestants at Rust in the district of Ortenau in Baden-Württemberg, home of the famous theme park Europa-Park.

Barros grew up in a favela, the shanty towns that surround most Brazilian cities, where she worked with street children from an early age, teaching them to read and write appealing to acting and dancing. For her street children projec she received a “Millennium Dreamer Award” from the United Nations in New York. Barros later moved to Berlin and obtained a master's degree in politics and social sciences.

Barros' commitment to sustainability, environmental protection and social justice also played a role in earning her the title of Miss Germany.

“We all live on Mother Earth. And she needs us very much at the moment,” she said on stage at Europa-Park. Ms Barros wants to make her cause “cooler, maybe even a little sexier,” and she tries to do so through social media.

“The people I want to reach don't read all the newspaper articles — but they scroll,” Barros said.

She is also a socially committed entrepreneur since 2017 as the founder of a swimwear brand that generates jobs for mothers in Brazil.

“Growing up in a less privileged part of this planet, I witnessed firsthand the effects of unsustainable, environmentally harmful and inhumane actions,” Barros said, according to the Miss Germany website. “That's why the values of sustainability, environmental protection and social justice are so important to me.”

Organizers of the competition have changed the steriotype focus of the Miss Germany pageant in the last two years, judging on character and “missions”, instead of concentrating on beauty, looks and congeniality.


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