Brno sends 9 contestants to Miss Czech Republic 2018


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BD Staff April 9, 2018

The Miss Czech Republic national beauty pageant chose another nine contestants in Brno on Saturday. Photo: Miss Czech Republic 2018 pre-pageant competition at the Královo Pole Shopping Centre in Brno.

Brno, Apr 9 (BD) – Thirty-three young women competed in a pre-pageant competition at Královo Pole Shopping Centre, and the nine that were selected by a jury will have the opportunity to continue to compete for the Czech beauty queen title in the nationwide competition.

The show was accompanied by music, make-up workshops, and special discounts in shops.

“We wanted to celebrate the beauty of women and the coming spring,” said Královo Pole Shopping Centre marketing coordinator Edita Smělíková.

Now known as “Miss Czech Republic”, this beauty pageant has taken place annually since 2010, when it was founded as “Miss Face” by model Tatiana Makarenko.


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