Brylee Knotts prepares to represent the state at the Miss Teen USA Pageant in November


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Brylee Knotts crowned Miss West Virginia Teen USA.(WDTV)

By Madeline Edwards Published: Aug. 1, 2021 at 6:00 PM 

FAIRMONT, W.Va (WDTV) - Grafton High School alumna, Brylee Knotts was recently crowned Miss West Virginia Teen USA.

Knotts has been involved in pageants since she was three years old.

On July 11, one of her biggest dreams came true when she won this pageant.

“I didn’t really have a goal of top five or even winning. I just wanted to go in and have fun, because this was kind of my last thing before college. I just wanted to have fun with it,” Knotts said.

Over the years, Knotts learned a lot of lessons from pageantry including the importance of public speaking, interviewing, communication and long-lasting relationships.

“I never came out of a pageant without one more friend. That’s what kind of kept me going was the friendships,” she added.

With her new title Knotts hoped to visit schools to help empower young women and remind them they are capable of achieving their dreams.

“We try to be confident and we try to have fun. It’s not about the hair. It’s not about the makeup. It’s not about the crown or the sash. It’s really about the girl that’s on the inside,” she explained.

Knotts was preparing for her freshman year of college at Fairmont State University where she planned to get her degree in Forensic Science.

She was also a new member of Acrobatics and Tumbling team at Fairmont State as well.

Knotts would represent West Virginia in November at the Miss Teen USA Pageant.


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