California Sweetheart wins National Sweetheart Pageant


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Jordan Crook 

California Sweetheart Jane Kennedy took home the title of Miss National Sweetheart Sept. 1.

Kennedy graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2017 and majored in political science and communication.

For her talent entry at the National Sweetheart Pageant, Kennedy chose to sing “The Impossible Dream.”

The top 10 contestants were: New Jersey Sweetheart Jessica Milne, Iowa Sweetheart Chelsea Dubczak, Tennessee Sweetheart Addison Hadley, Kansas Sweetheart Kristen Boxman, District of Columbia Sweetheart Andolyn Medina, Idaho Sweetheart Katarina Schweitzer, California Sweetheart Jane Kennedy, Arizona Sweetheart Isabel Ticlo, Mississippi Sweetheart Molly May and Florida Sweetheart Jessica Hargrave.

Kennedy, Boxman, Medina, May and Hargrave advanced to the top five.

Kennedy won the overall title. May took first runner-up, followed by Boxman as second runner-up, Medina as third runner-up and Hargrave as fourth runner-up.

Several individual awards were also handed out during the final night of the pageant. These include: Texas Sweetheart Jessica Zeller won the John Bitner Memorial Judges Award; New Hampshire Sweetheart Amanda Ledoux and Wisconsin Sweetheart Maddie Adickes won the STEM Scholarship; Alabama Sweetheart Janet Pugh won the Pat Musk Talent Award as well as the Pam Eldridge Overall Talent Scholarship; May won Miss Congeniality; May and Dubczak won the Misti Runge Memorial Scholarship Award; Alaska Sweetheart Annaleisa Kress won the Sweetheart Community Service Award. Ticlo won several awards including the Ronnie Reed Service Award, People’s Choice Award, the Director’s Award and the Bonnie Berglund Award for Parade Wear.

See photos and video from the National Sweetheart Pageant at


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