Can China's Miss Universe save the world?


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by Alena Rasi Aug 23, 2011 07:00 ENTERTAINMENT WOMEN BEAUTY

China began participating in Miss Universe in 2002 but currently no Chinese woman has had the honor of winning it. Pictured: Miss Universe China 2011. CNS

“Beauty will save the world” Russian author Fyodor Dostoyevsky once wrote, but is it really possible? Chinese fashion expert Yue-Sai Kan and an audience of millions are in no doubt of the fact after the stunningly beautiful Luo Zilin was crowned Miss Universe China 2011 in July.

When the crown encrusted with sparkling purple gems was placed upon Luo Zilin's head, the audience burst into rapturous applause and she is certainly worthy of the public's admiration.

With her long brown silken hair, gorgeous smile and physical proportions that are close to perfection (84cm-64cm-93cm), the 186cm tall beauty will represent China at the Miss Universe Pageant in São Paolo, Brazil in September.

Known also by her Western name of Roseline, 24 year-old Luo Zilin comes from Zhejiang, in east China, and works as a professional model.

She has participated in numerous fashion shows for such renowned brands as BMW, Ferrari, Gucci, Hugo Boss, L'Oreal, Louis Vuitton, Miss Sixty, Swarovski and Versace. Her lovely face has also graced the covers of “Bentley” Magazine and Young Newspaper.

However, the tall and elegant girl won the hearts of the international jury with her poise, gracious manners and confident performance.

Yue-sai Kan, the director of the 2011 Miss Universe China Pageant, said: “Luo Zilin is a very pretty girl, with a nice figure, with long legs and also good manners on stage. She also speaks good English and has an elegant temperament, which is very rare.”

Celebrating Chinese women
It's hard to believe that there was a time when beauty contests were considered unacceptable in China. Nowadays the attitudes have changed. This year's Miss Universe China Pageant, held under the motto “Celebrating Chinese women”, was a real hit.

Luo Zilin and the first runner-up Li Zi Han are now staying in New York City for a month of intensive training by Yue-Sai Kan, herself.

Luo Zilin is looking forward to this challenge and believes that she will win a title at the international competition and make all Chinese proud: “Chinese are known for their hospitality; I wish I could be a window for the world to know more about and love China!”

Power of sash and crown
The Miss Universe Pageant is one of the most watched and prestigious beauty contests in the world that has been bringing together fashion, beauty and charity for the last 60 years.

Miss Universe 2011 will be held in Brazil and is predicted to be the toughest beauty pageant in years – 80 outstanding beauties from all over the world will be competing for the coveted sash and crown.

Mexico's Ximena Navarrete, the current Miss Universe, says that her mission is empowering women in developing countries, raising HIV/AIDS and breast cancer awareness, participating in charity events and spreading a message of hope around the entire world.

This suggests that Miss Universe is not just about an attractive face, but rather a messenger, a woman with a voice and opinion.

Peace in the world
China began participating in Miss Universe in 2002 but currently no Chinese woman has had the honor of winning it. If Luo Zilin is recognised as the most beautiful woman in the universe then she will be employed full-time by the Miss Universe organisation and become a citizen's ambassador for China.

However, can beauty really save the world, as Dostoevsky suggested? An ancient Chinese proverb offers one answer:

“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”


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