Catriona Gray pens letter to 15-year-old self upon welcoming 2020: ‘Never lose your faith’


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By: Richa Noriega

Published January 2, 2020, 9:56 PM

Upon welcoming the New Year, Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray took on social media to express positivity as she shared a penned letter for her 15-year-old self.

In an Instagram post on Wednesday, the beauty queen shared her throwback photos accompanied by a penned letter for younger self.

“To my 15 year old self… Firstly, don’t be scared, daddy is gonna beat the cancer. I know it seems scary now but he will still be by your side 10 years later, still singing along to the Elvis tunes in the car and stealing all the chocolate from the fridge,” Gray said.

The Filipina beauty said at the age of 15 she was “beginning to feel the pressure of expecting to know what to do with your life.”

However, Gray said she will not figure it for a few years yet but reminded herself to always be kind and patient.

“I know you’re beginning to feel the pressure of expecting to know what to do with your life. You won’t find it for a few years but its okay. But please be kind and patient with yourself. Like you’ve always done you’ll place the weight of the world on your shoulders. Trust in the process,” she said.

She ended her letter with a heartfelt message, “Eventually, you’ll discover work that you love that makes you feel fulfilled. And it’s nothing that you’d expected, but its greater than you’ve ever, ever dreamed. Never, ever lose your faith.”

After two years of her heart-break loss at the Miss World pageant in 2016, Gray was crowned Miss Universe 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand.

She is an advocate of HIV/AIDS at Love Yourself Philippines and volunteers as a teacher’s assistant to students of a non-government organization Young Focus.


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