Catriona Gray’s ‘slow-mo twirl’ in Miss Universe prelims is making our heads spin in amazement


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by: Gillan Lasic
December 14th, 2018

When it comes to beauty pageants, we Filipinos are one of the toughest and most supportive fans in the world…the universe, rather. And to be fair with our representatives, they always seem to have signature walks and lines during the Miss Universe competition. There was Venus Raj’s “major major,” Shamcey Supsup’s “Tsunami Walk,” and Pia Wurtzbach’s iconic “Confidently beautiful with a heart.”

This time, Catriona Gray is putting a spin into her walk with a “slow-mo twirl.”

Catriona represented the country during the Miss Universe 2018 preliminary competition and she SLAYED the runway in a long gown and in a swimsuit. People can’t handle how she’s confidently killing it and Pinoys are definitely rooting for her to take home the crown this year.

Her twirl is so damn good that some people are “petitioning” to make it a UNESCO Heritage Site.

Wigs are flying as Catriona Gray, the “Queen of Slo-mo,” struts the runway.

Who needs a video editor when you can do a live slo-mo!

Some thought it was just a buffer because we all have ~stable~ internet connections here in PH.

We might as well give her an acting award, too, as her facial expression changes from “I’m just gonna act all cute here” to “I’m actually here to steal the crown”—IN A SNAP! Get you a girl who can do both, indeed!

We’re pretty sure that win or lose, Catriona is definitely bagging hair product endorsements because of her “parang-may-electric-fan-sa-buhok twirl.”

And because we’re Pinoys, we’re definitely making memes out of this iconic slow-mo twirl.

Catriona made us realize that life is truly unfair for most of us and when God poured beauty, elegance, and talent in the universe, she was one of those ahead in line.

She may not have won the Miss World title last 2o16 but maybe it’s because she’s meant for Miss Universe this year.

‘Nuf said!


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