Catriona on upcoming Miss Universe bid: 'I hope to make PH proud!'


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Shiela Reyes, ABS-CBN News
Posted at Mar 19 2018 11:25 AM

Numerous pageant fans and experts predicted Catriona Gray would be a runaway winner at this year’s Binibining Pilipinas pageant.

True enough, she was crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2018 at the Araneta Coliseum on Sunday night, beating 39 other contestants who aspired for the same title.

She was also given five special awards early in the competition including the Best in Swimsuit, Best in Long Gown, Pitoy Moreno Best in National Costume Award, Miss Ever Bilena and Jag Denim Queen.

Despite her popularity, Gray told ABS-CBN News after her coronation that she never thought she already had it in the bag.

“Not at all. At the end of the day, it’s the judges’ decision and I don’t think the fans and everything make up the whole of that decision, so never at any point did I think that I’ve got this, that I can let my guard down, that I can just let go and let it happen. I never felt that way at all,” she said.

“I always knew that this is such an amazing batch of girls. Even if we swap around the crowns, I’m sure all these girls will do a wonderful job representing our country internationally.”

Admittedly, Gray said it would probably take her a night before the reality that she won the most coveted crown sinks in.

“I have just a whirlwind of emotions. Standing up on stage and as everyone was being announced, I don’t know, it hasn’t sunk in. Even seeing everyone in front of you, parang it’s such a weird thing to describe. A lot of girls say this but it hasn’t sunk in yet. I think maybe tomorrow when we wake up and oh there’s a crown,” she said.

When asked how she feels that she will compete in an international pageant anew, this was her classy answer.

“I am just incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be able to represent our country again. I can definitely say that I am bringing new things to the table this time. I’ve learned so much in the last two years. I hope to make the Philippines proud,” she said.

Prior to joining Binibining Pilipinas, Gray already represented the Philippines in the Miss World pageant in 2016, where she finished in the Top 5.

Now that she has been named the new Miss Universe Philippines, Gray is set to conquer the Miss Universe stage later this year.


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