Catriona to the rescue as crown of Binibining Pilipinas Gazini Ganados slides off


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By Catalina Ricci S. Madarang - June 10, 2019 - 1:03 PM

Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray passing on the crown to new titleholder Gazini Ganados (Interaksyon/Kat Leandicho)

The title crown nearly slipped from the head of Gazini Ganados from Cebu, the new Binibining Pilipinas 2019, shortly after she was crowned in the early morning of Monday, June 10.

Ganados was hailed this year’s pageant queen at the Araneta Coliseum in Quezon City on June 9. She will represent the country at the next Miss Universe pageant.

Photos showed that the much-coveted crown was sliding off from Ganados’ head during the awarding ceremony.

Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray, who was beside Ganados, even tried to catch it.

Thankfully, the 23-year-old model was able to put it back in place before it could hit the floor.

Gazini Ganados and Catriona Gray ( De Guzman)

Ganados won the hearts of fans and judges from the time she was chosen as “The Face Binibini” and “Best in Long Gown.”

During the question and answer portion, she was asked: “If you win the crown tonight, what will you do to get more women in the workplace?”

Ganados highlighted her advocacy to elderly care with her answer:

“If I win the crown tonight, what I do is to promote my advocacy. My advocacy is for us women to fight for our rights and for the elderly women and for us to know that someone loves us, someone is pushing us to whatever ambitions that we have.”

“We will be able to rise from our decisions, to whatever dreams that we have, goals that we have, and we will achieve it because of those values, [that wisdom] that they gave us,” she added.

Ganados is a Tourism graduate from the University of San Jose-Recoletos in Cebu. Reports say she was brought up by her grandparents, inspiring her advocacy for the elderly.

Prior to joining the nationwide pageant, she held titles from regional contests Miss Cebu Schools Athletic Foundation Inc. (Cesafi) and Miss Bohol.

She was also a contestant of Miss World in 2014.

Final catwalk
The crowning of the new representative for the Miss Universe competition later this year also meant that Gray had to make her final walk as Binibining Pilipinas titleholder.

Gray’s speech at the event was among the talked about topics on social media that day. Part of it goes:

“I may only be one person, but now I have the opportunity to serve 104 million Filipinos, and I knew that I was doing this para sa Pilipinas. Inside each and every one of us is a king or queen with the ability to conquer the universe, whatever that may be for you. But we must first conquer ourselves, conquer what others perceive of us, and finally, conquer with a purpose.”


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