Celine Cabrera is 2018 Miss Marianas



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By Kimberly Bautista | Posted on Feb 26 2018

Miss Marianas contestant Celine Concepcion Cabrera is crowned 2018 Miss Marianas during the 2018 Miss Marianas pageant last Saturday at the Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan. (Kimberly A. Bautista)

Celine Concepcion Cabrera was crowned the 2018 Miss Marianas at the annual pageant last Saturday at the Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan.

Peachy Quitugua, the 2017 Miss Marianas, handed over her crown to the new queen, Cabrera, who went head-to-head for the crown and title against seven other young women.

Cabrera is a 23-year-old operations manager at the company Dr. Safety Consultant. She is also working on a bachelor’s degree in Education at the Northern Marianas College.

In an interview after the pageant, an exuberant Cabrera could not believe that she actually won, but she said she is excited for the journey ahead as Miss Marianas and hopes that, along the way, she can achieve her goal of empowering the women of the CNMI and the youth.

Cabrera is most thankful for the support of her family, her friends, and all the people who believed in her from the start to finish.

Cabrera said that the entire experience was great and her favorite memory was a sleepover with the other candidates about a month before the pageant. That was when Cabrera said she really got to know her fellow candidates and established a sister-like bond with them.

Cabrera said she has always wanted to join the competition since she was a girl and she put to play all the tips she picked up along the journey to pageant night last Saturday and it paid off because it led to her coronation.

She won $1,000 for her Miss Marianas win and a free use of a 2018 Hyundai Elantra, courtesy of Triple J Motors.

Aside from the title of Miss Marianas, Cabrera also won Best in Swimsuit, Best in Evening Wear, and Best in National Costume, with a “totot”-inspired costume.

The prestigious Stellar Star award was also awarded to Cabrera for her enthusiasm, dedication, commitment, and hard work.

Coming in as first runner-up was Chloe Salvosa. Salvosa was awarded the first runner-up trophy and a cash prize of $800 and was also voted Miss Photogenic by the media.

Completing the top three was Leisha Mendiola Deleon Guerrero. Deleon Guerrero was awarded the second runner-up trophy with a cash prize of $400 and numerous gifts from various Stellar Marianas sponsors.

Additional awards distributed during the pageant was the Miss Friendship award and the Tresemme Best Hair Award. Both awards were given to Jaiden McPhetres Santos.

The remaining 2018 Miss Marianas 2018 contestants who competed for the crown were Eden Connor, Cris Nhoel Obaldo, Kaysha Aguon Cruz, and Maricris Zapanta.



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