Cincinnati native, pharmacy student competing in Miss USA pageant


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WLWT Updated: 10:25 AM EST Nov 22, 2021

CINCINNATI — A University of Cincinnati pharmacy student is taking on a new assignment, the title of Miss USA.

Nicole Wess, a third-year pharmacy student at UC, was crowned Miss Ohio USA earlier this year.

She's now hoping to become Miss USA at the pageant next week.

Wess grew up in West Chester and said she chose UC so she could stay close to home and continue modeling jobs in the area.

She said she's learned competing in pageants is more about judging looks.

“It’s not just about beauty, it’s so much more than that,” she said. “It’s all about strong and empowered women, and when I was there for that first day of competition is when I realized these are amazing women all trying to represent the state of Ohio and in the end represent the United States of America.”

In addition to studying pharmacy, Wess uses her platform to to advocate for the importance of volunteering.

“I think as more people are informed about the opportunities that volunteering and giving service does, it can better our communities,” Wess said. “Who knows, it may change some career paths.”


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