Courtney Hammons talks about year as Miss Louisiana in COVID-19 pandemic


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Bonnie Bolden - Monroe News-Star - Jun. 10, 2021 

"I started out as the COVID queen — that was my nickname — but then it slowly transitioned into being this really sweet year of what I'd always envisioned my year of being Miss Louisiana as," said Courtney Hammons.

She started her reign as Miss Louisiana 2020 last summer. While she'd had the desire to hold the title for years, she did not get the title in a way anyone could have envisioned at the last pageant in 2019.

Pre-pandemic, about 30 young women flocked to Monroe each year for a weeklong job interview that leads to another week of competition to be the next Miss America.

COVID-19 put a halt to state and local events, and Miss Louisiana 2019 Meagan Crews wanted to continue her education at the University of Louisville in Kentucky.

Her first runner-up, Hammons, was asked to step in and serve the state as a bonus queen.

She took on the tiara, sash, title and all the job responsibilities without the option to compete for the national title.

The schedule for Miss Louisiana is usually very active, and the women who win put their careers and educations on pause for a year to hold the title and travel the state working with program sponsors and speaking to crowds about their social impact initiatives.

Hammons was almost done with her graduate degree and had plans to become a registered dietician.

The Miss Louisiana Organization allowed her to continue her classes, and she completed her degree in May with plans to walk in an August commencement.

"That was really cool to be able to, kind of, I guess, break the ceiling with being Miss Louisiana and continuing school because no other Miss Louisiana has continued school because you just can't do it in a typical year. But when we moved to Phase 3, I

realized, OK, this is why you don't do school and be Miss Louisiana the same time," she laughed.

Hammons' social initiative is Feed the Food Bank. She said it was her "for such a time as this" moment.

"Advocating for food insecurity was really, really humbling for me to do this year, especially since gained so much attention from COVID," she said.

Hammons, a Choudrant native, particularly had a great time with the Propane Dealers Association because they highlight the Sportsman's Paradise part of the state. She said she transitioned to being the fishing queen with all the outdoor activities she was able to take on, including rappelling down a building.

On one of Crews' last adventures last year — a frog gigging trip — she said Hammons is far more outdoorsy.

"I was like, 'well now I have to live up to what she said,' but I mean, it really is true. I

grew up hunting, fishing. I'm from Choudrant ... and went hunting on family land and fishing in family ponds. I'm no stranger to the outdoors, so that was that was really fun," Hammons said. "It's like get you a Miss Louisiana that can do both."

One morning Hammons was crawfishing with the propane dealers and spent that evening with Miss America in the full dress and makeup. She jokes it's the epitome of her year.

She said holding the title has a uniform that's a little different from other workplaces, but it's still a job. And there's always the expectation that you show up and be your best self every day.

Last year:Miss Louisiana 2019 ready to take wing

"If you never wear the crown, if you never wear the Miss Louisiana Crown, it still changes you because of the ambition to be Miss Louisiana. The ambition, to be Miss Louisiana, is what transforms young women, because of the platform that it gives you. It gives you a voice," she said.

You have to learn how to be yourself and be genuine while representing the state and really listening to strangers who want to be heard by Miss Louisiana.

"It was challenging at times because you're having, you know, you're on, and you're you're giving your best self at every every event. But it really did, I think, make me a better person in the end and be a better listener. So simple, but it's really needed

more," Hammons said.

Hammons said she'll miss the crown, but she's deeply going to miss the relationships built this year with the Miss Louisiana Organization board and the sponsors.

"I couldn't have asked for a better year. I mean, it didn't happen the way I always thought it would, but I can't imagine it happening any other way," Hammons said.

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Want to go?

Miss Louisiana preliminaries will be 7:30 p.m. June 17 and 18 at the W.L. “Jack” Howard Theatre in the Monroe Civic Center

The pageant will be 7:30 p.m. June 19 and televised live around the state.


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