Current Miss Tennessee cuts ties with Miss America, named Volunteer titleholder


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May 14, 2019 WBBJ 7 Eyewitness News Staff

JACKSON, Tenn. — Miss Tennessee Christine Williamson holds a new title after breaking ties with the Miss America Organization. 

Williamson, who holds the Miss Tennessee America 2018 title, is now Miss Tennessee Volunteer 2018.

She is the inaugural titleholder for the Miss Tennessee Volunteer Scholarship Pageant, formerly the Miss Tennessee Scholarship Pageant.

Williamson will take over the new role immediately, and will crown Miss Tennessee Volunteer 2019 at the Carl Perkins Civic Center on June 22.

Williamson was crowned while the Miss Tennessee Volunteer Scholarship Pageant was still a part of the Miss America Organization.

An official coronation ceremony for Williamson will be held May 24 at the Carl Perkins Civic Center.

The Miss Tennessee Volunteer Scholarship Pageant is scheduled for June 19 through June 22.


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