Cynthia Menard is Miss World Canada 2017


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17 year old Cynthia Menard representing Embrun, Ontario was crown Miss World Canada after defeating 56 other hopefuls for the crown during a national finale held at John Bassett Theatre,Toronto, Ontario under a new director. Cynthia stand 5’7” tall and will now represent Canada at the 67th Miss World title in Sanya, China on November 18th.

The first runner up was Miss Ottawa, Karema Batotele who will represent Canada at Miss Supranational 2017 in Poland. Miss Calgary, Mattea Henderson, finished as the second runner-up and will represent Canada at Miss Intercontinental 2017.

The top 6 were completed by Miss British Columbia, Natalie Allin, Miss Ontario World, Juice Encarnacion, and Miss Toronto World, Alice Li. This was the first edition of the competition under the directorship of former Miss World Canada (1996) Michelle Weswaldi.

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