Daisy Princess Mujeh Abdulai to Represent Sierra Leone in Miss World Beauty Pageant



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Lamin Kargbo February 15, 2024

The reigning Miss Sierra Leone, Daisy Princess Mujeh Abdulai, is gearing up to represent her country in the upcoming Miss World Beauty Pageant in India.

This was announced in a press release signed Dr. Adonis Abboud, Chairman of Miss Sierra Leone Limited. Daisy, originally from Moyamba district, won the Miss Sierra Leone title in 2023, beating over 14 other contestants.

The beauty queen has also earned other collections of accolades, including the prestigious title of Miss Freetown Queen 2022.

Since its inception in the 1950s, Miss World has stood as the oldest ongoing international beauty pageant, with the upcoming event marking its 72nd edition. Daisy will be up against contestants from 120 countries vying for the coveted global crown.

The competition will be held for over three weeks, with all participants being accommodated in New Delhi for the preliminary rounds before advancing to Mumbai for the grand finale, slated for March 9, 2024.


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