Danao City beauty is third runner up in Miss Global Universe 2019



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By Doris C. Bongcac | June 24,2019 - 11:29 AM

Letelle Perez / Photo from the Facook page of the Danao City Gov’t

CEBU CITY, Philippines – A Danao City native won third runner up in the Miss Global Universe 2019 competition held in Singapore, Sunday night, June 23.

Letelle Sabas Perez, 21, also won the Miss Lumiere International, Miss Social Media Queen, Queen of People Choice Award and Best in Intro Video special awards during the pageant’s night, according to a post on the Danao City Gov’t Facebook page.

Perez, who is from Barangay Cambanay, competed with 19 other beauties from around the Globe.

The candidate from the United States of America (USA) was crowned this year’s pageant winner.

Before she joined the Miss Global Universe competition, Perez has already been joining local pageants. She was crowned Miss Airline Management 2017, Karansa Festival Queen 2015 and Mutya ng Kabataan 2014.

She also represented Danao City in the Sinulog Festival this year as the bearer of the image of the Señyor Sto. Niño.

Below is the complete list of winners posted on the Miss Global Universe Facebook Page:

Miss Global Universe 2019 – USA

1st Runner up – Mexico

2nd Runner up – France

3rd Runner up – Philippines

4th Runner up – China



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