Demi-leigh nel is ready to compete for miss universe


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Miss South Africa 2017, Demi-Leigh Nel Peters is making preparations to compete this year's Miss Universe which takes place in November this year.

The 22-year-old pageant queen revealed that her journey to Miss Universe began the moment she was crowned Miss SA.

"My preparations started when I was crowned Miss South Africa 2017. Just as with the Miss South Africa platform, I understand the responsibility of being Miss Universe and the impact it has on millions of lives,"

Her pageant coach spoke to Jacaranda FM and revealed that our girl is in excellent hands:

"I do a training programme similar to countries such as the Philippines, Venezuela and the US. I've been very fortunate to assist and coach Rolene Strauss in 2014, as well as Miss America for the Miss World pageant in 2015. I apply my model of training as they do in those countries and if you are serious about winning an international title, you don't enter a pageant without a pageant coach,"

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