Did Harnaaz Sandhu GIVE UP her Miss Universe crown? Here the truth



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by Cvbj December 28, 2021 in Celebrities

This morning the news of the alleged resignation from Harnaaz Sandhu to the crown of miss Universe but, is it true that the newly winner of beauty contest will leave everything and grant his triumph to the Miss Paraguay, Nadia Ferreira? Keep reading and we will solve your doubts.

Turns out it was all about a JOKE for him December 28th, Day of the Holy Innocents in Mexico, a day in which hundreds of media and even people play with the truth; That is why throughout this Tuesday you must be aware of all the news that you are Reading and finish them, as it is usually in the last paragraphs where they explain that it is a “joke”.

The legend they usually use is … Innocent little popcorn that you were fooled, so you know. Today you have to doubt everything, what is not a lie is that Harnaaz is one of the miss Universe more “rebellious” of the contest and it is that from the first day of his crown, he imposed his rules and the way in which he would show his public.

Criticism rained down on him! The daring PHOTO of Harnaaz Kaur uploaded to their networks

It seems that 2021 became the year to break the bad streaks, and after 20 years of not having a worthy representative, India once again obtained the crown of miss Universe thanks to the role, bearing and beauty of Harnaaz Kaur.

It was the night of last Sunday, December 12, when the 21-year-old model was crowned in the famous beauty pageant, thanks to her responses in the last round, as well as her poise, beauty and safety on the catwalk.

Alongside 69 other competitors, the beauty and personality of Harnaaz It did not go unnoticed from the first moment, despite the fact that the representative of Paraguay, Nadia Ferreira, was one of the favorites to stay with the crown.

and it is that her strong message that led her to stay with the crown, reached the jury in the deepest part, as she demonstrated to have great humility and to be a worthy representative of the contest.

“It has been 74 days since I was chosen as the representative of India for Miss Universe 2021. It has been a trip of much love, fun and immense and hard work … India this is for you,” she concluded and was later crowned.

Now the star of just 21 years gives something to talk about again thanks to a photograph, although for many it may be an exaggeration, for some inhabitants of their country it has been an true disrespect.

Harnaaz and the Miss Universe scandal PHOTO IG harnaazsandhu_03



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