Divya Yabindranautyh to represent Guyana at Miss Continents pageant



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By Staff Writer September 9, 2017 

Divya Yabindranautyh at the JFK Airport before her departure.
Miss United Continents Guyana 2017 Divya Yabindranautyh is now in Ecuador where she would be representing Guyana at the Miss United Continents 2017 pageant.

According to a press release under the directorship of Missosology Guyana, Divya Yabindranauth was appointed Miss United Continents Guyana 2017 back in March of this year.

Divya Yabindranautyh at the JFK Airport before her departure.
This will be the second time a Guyanese beauty will be competing in Miss United Continents pageant which features participants from different countries. They battle for the crown in the evening gown, swimsuit, national costume and interview segments.

The finals of Miss United Continents is scheduled for September 23rd.

Those interested in updates leading up to the finals of the pageant can follow Divya Yabindranauth’ s journey by visiting the official Facebook page of Miss United Continents Guyana at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Miss-United-Continents-Guyana/1603096606616371 and on Twitter at https://twitter.com/MissUCGuyana



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