Dr Thato Mosehle does SA proud at Miss Supranational pageant



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Medical doctor Thato Mosehle has done South Africa proud after she was named second runner-up for 2021 Miss Supranational in Poland this weekend. Supplied.

By Chulumanco Mahamba Time of article published Aug 23, 2021

Johannesburg - Medical doctor Thato Mosehle has done South Africa proud after she was named second runner-up for 2021 Miss Supranational, Poland, this weekend.

The African continent thrived and shined at this year’s Miss Supranational pageant, on Saturday, after Chanique Rabe from Namibia took home the title and South Africa’s Mosehle made the top three in the contest.

Mosehle was the first person in South Africa to compete under the official Miss South Africa organisation banner in the pageant, after she was crowned Miss Supranational SA 2020, at the Miss SA pageant last year.

Mosehle, 26, from North West, represented Mzansi against contestants from nearly 60 other countries in the 12th edition competition that was held in Nowy Sacz, Poland, and was one of the front runners throughout the build-up to the finale.

The live show was aired on the Miss Supranational Facebook and YouTube channels and South Africans gathered to watch Mosehle, including the reigning Miss SA Shudufhadzo Musida and Miss Universe SA 2020 Natasha Joubert.

Speaking after the crowning, Mosehle said: “Congratulations to Chanique, she is going to be a fantastic title holder and I wish her everything of the best during the coming year.”

She added that the Miss Supranational experience was beyond her wildest expectation and was delighted to have done so well in the competition.

She celebrated her win on Instagram where she expressed gratitude to South Africa for their support.

“This one is for you in South Africa! Thank you for believing in me. I hope I made you all proud,” Mosehle said in a caption under an image of her being crowned on Saturday. She also thanked the Miss SA organisation for their support. Chief executive of the Miss SA organisation Stephanie Weil and Miss SA creative director Werner Wessel were in Poland to support her.

“Thato shone on the international stage and we are incredibly proud of her and her achievement in making it to the Top 3,” Weil said.



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