Dutch entry withdraws from Miss World pageant: ‘Not ready for vaccine’



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Oct 05, 2021

The Eindhoven Dilay, quite active on Instagram with almost 19,000 followers, was crowned Miss World Netherlands in July this year. She was chosen from nine candidates to represent the Netherlands in the Miss World pageant, which will take place on December 16 in Puerto Rico. The 21-year-old winner, who now lives in Amsterdam, sees that now. “After I was crowned, we were told that if you want to go to Miss World you must be vaccinated.”

It was a dream for Dilay, who also sings and works as a model and dancer, to represent the Netherlands. ,,So I thought about it carefully and considered taking the jab, but at a certain point I thought: I’m not ready for this at all. I don’t feel good about it. I don’t know if I’ll take that shot later.”



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