eet Janick Maceta, the winner of the beauty pageant


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by   November 30, 2020, 11:37 am

Janick Flowerpot She was crowned the brand-new queen of Miss Peru 2020. The designation was announced through a virtual ceremony that was broadcast on YouTube, where the candidates gave their best effort to obtain the crown.

“My heart couldn’t be happier. I have dreamed of this moment for so many years. Thank you all ”, said the model after receiving the news that she was the winner.

Kelin Rivera’s successor, Miss Peru 2019, is 26 years old. He went to live in the United States at 18 in search of a better future for his brother and mother. In 2018, she participated in the reality show Esto es Guerra and recently expressed her desire to return to national television.

“It was a job and I took it as such. I had the opportunity to be there, I needed to work, « he said. “If I was presented with the opportunity – not now because I’m focused on the contest – to be on TV, I would accept it. It would be wrong to reject it because there are so many people who need one, « he said in a previous interview with La República.

During that same year, Janick Flowerpot represented our country in the Miss Tourism World 2018 and obtained the second place. However, she achieved recognition on the international catwalks by being the third finalist in the Miss Supranational 2019 pageant.

The newly elected Miss Peru will participate in the miss Universe, a competition that has not yet announced a date or official venue due to the pandemic.


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