Eliminated Miss Hong Kong 2019 Contestant, Katy Yeung, Accused of Being a Gold Digger



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Eliminated Miss Hong Kong 2019 contestant, Katy Yeung (楊詠彤), was one of the hot favorites throughout the whole pageant process. Standing at 5’10” with a sweet smile and a model, it’s no wonder why she was a favorite to win. However, she only made it to the top 10 of the pageant. Even though she was eliminated, her past was still dug up by the media. Prior to the pageant on September 8th, there were already rumors lurking around about her being a gold digger in her past relationship. Katy Yeung of course denied it and said her finances were separate from her ex-boyfriends and wouldn’t mind if her boyfriend was poor. This time, the media dug up more info about her ex-boyfriend.

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It’s rumored Katy Yeung had a rich boyfriend, Vincent Chang, prior to joining the pageant, but broke up in May. There are allegations that the two got into an altercation after they broke up with Katy Yeung reportedly throwing a bottle at her ex-boyfriend, injuring the corner of his eye. Even though she is a model, there are reports alleging Katy Yeung would have her boyfriend pay her credit card bills, have him buy her name brand items, and even pay for her family’s rent. The reports also reveal Katy Yeung was once a “Racing Angel” who would hold up the placards at the Hong Kong Jockey Club.”

Vincent Chang and Jonathan Wong

As for Vincent’s background, his father is an elementary school principal, while his mother is a social worker. It’s reported Vincent has many businesses such as an art studio, interior design company, and an investor at a bar in Lan Kwai Fong. He also has a lot of pictures with celebrities on his Instagram, but has been set to private.

Neither parties have responded to the reports.



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