Elle Smith shares details of her first months as Miss USA



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Miss USA Elle Smith is back in the Bluegrass for a couple weeks before heading out to her new home in Los Angeles at the end of January.

Author: Hayley Minogue Published: 11:48 PM EST January 11, 2022

Elle Smith does the "Y" gesture during the Kentucky vs. Georgia game on Jan. 8, 2022.Credit: UK Athletics/Twitter

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Believe it or not, Elle Smith said she's had a moment outside of competition more nerve-wracking than walking the stage during the Miss USA competition.

Miss USA Elle Smith is back in the Bluegrass for a couple weeks before heading out to her new home in Los Angeles at the end of January.

Since arriving, she's spent time volunteering, donating blood, and standing in as the letter “Y” – more on that later.

Starting off the conversation, I asked Elle how it was feeling to settle into her new role.

“I don't think I've settled in yet," she said with a smile on her face. "It still feels really surreal. I'm still getting used to people calling me 'Miss USA.'"

Next, we talked about some of the moments she's had the last two months that were most memorable.

A University of Kentucky graduate, Elle told us she was "more nervous" to be the 'Y' at the UK v. Georgia game during halftime. A symbolic gesture, UK reserves the honor of being the 'Y' during the spelling of 'Kentucky' for someone that everyone loves, whether it's a celebrity or former Kentucky beloved coach.

"To go back, I used to watch people be the 'Y' each game and I'd be like, 'Oh! I wanna do that,'" Smith said.

You can watch the full interview with Miss USA Elle Smith on our Youtube channel to hear more about her experience at Miss Universe, taking care of herself during her downtime, and her platforms for the upcoming year.


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