Emirates flight attendant crowned Miss Scotland is carrier's latest poster girl



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By Janine Puhak | Fox News

"Being Miss Scotland is not just about outer beauty, it's about inner beauty too, and what you can do for others." (Instagram / @Missscotland2018)

To celebrate their first flight between Dubai and Edinburgh, Scotland, Emirates Airlines knew just who could toast the occasion best: Linzi McLelland, the reigning Miss Scotland and a flight attendant for the carrier, who spent the last two years living in the United Arab Emirates hotspot.

The maiden flight touched down in the Scottish capital on Oct. 1, the Scotsman reports, and was met by a bagpiper and an official water canon salute. With one flight scheduled daily between the hubs for the rest of the year, Emirates has found an ideal spokesperson for the new route in McLelland.

After winning the Miss Scotland crown in June – in a victory she says she “never expected” – and immediately returning to her job in the high skies, the 24-year-old Miss World hopeful says that she’s excited to be back in her home country as the airline’s new poster girl, according to the Daily Record.

“I was so in shock when they announced me as the winner I had to go and sit in a quiet room to take it all in – I don’t think it will ever sink in,” the East Kilbride native recalled of her pageant victory. “This has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl, it’s a crazy feeling!”

McLelland shares many snapshots of her glamorous jet-setting life to Instagram, as her career and travels take her all over the globe. 

In a promotional clip Emirates shared to YouTube in honor of the new Dubai-Edinburgh route, the beauty queen teaches her co-workers some Scottish slang terms, evidently to verse them in some more unique lingo they may encounter at their latest destination.

"Being Miss Scotland is not just about outer beauty, it's about inner beauty too, and what you can do for others," she told the Record.

A passionate advocate for suicide awareness, McLelland will compete for the Miss World title in China in December.



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