Empire PH to stream Miss Universe Philippines 2020 Becoming Phenomenal mini-series showcasing stories of resilience, passion



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Published June 7, 2021, 8:10 PM by Robert Requintina

Empire PH will launch a new series chronicling the Miss Universe Philippines 2020 pageant.

Facing challenges on all fronts, including a worldwide pandemic, the team of Miss Universe Philippines Organization forged ahead with staging a pageant amidst extraordinarily difficult circumstances. With strict adherence to health and safety protocols, the MUPH 2020 team was committed to protecting its participants during all official activities, with absolutely no compromises.

Before the 2021 pageant kicks off, the MUPH team shares their struggles and victories in this three-part mini series that zooms into the complicated and difficult process of conceptualization, decision making and execution. Becoming Phenomenal weaves the narrative of how navigating uncharted territories push the boundaries of creativity and passion, and ultimately produce unique and engaging stories.

Premiering this June 12 at 6 p.m., witness the journey of our queens as they chase their dreams of winning the most coveted crown, as well as the hardworking team behind the scenes striving to deliver entertainment with substance and lasting impact on the community.

See how Miss Universe Philippines 2020 Rabiya Mateo (Ambassador for Education), and her court: Bella Ysmael (1st Runner Up, Ambassador for Arts and Culture), Michele Gumabao (2nd Runner Up, Ambassador for Fitness and Health), Pauline Amelinckx (3rd Runner Up, Ambassador for Tourism), and Billie Hakenson (4th Runner Up, Ambassador for Gender Equality) manifest their goals and become earnest champions of their advocacies. All three (3) episodes will be aired on the same date.

The first of its kind, this is a rare glimpse into the complex and intriguing world of pageantry, and also gives us a glimpse of what else the MUPH team has in store for 2021. With a better understanding of the new normal, the MUPh team is further inspired and even more determined to make the 2021 pageant even bigger and better as a new set of contenders vie for the most coveted crown in the country.

Becoming Phenomenal will stream via https://bit.ly/3x36OB2 on June 12 at 6 PM.

*The MUPH 2020 activities were all conducted with strict adherence to COVID-19 health and safety protocols.



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