Eva Patalinjug offers advice to those who didn’t make it to Top 40 of Bb. Pilipinas



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By Michelle Joy Padayhag|March 20,2019 - 04:54 PM

Left to right: Wynonah Buot and Neesha Murjani. | Instagram photos

Cebu City, Philippines— “Keep your heads up high.”

This was the message of Cebuana beauty queen and Binibining Pilipinas Grand International 2018 Eva Patalinjug to all the aspirants who did not make it to the Top 40 of Binibining Pilipinas 2019.

Patalinjug shared a photo on her Instagram account a year after she was part of the country’s biggest pageant.

EVA PATALINJUG | Photo from Eva Patalinjug’s Instagram account

“To those who didn’t make it, I believe God has better plans for you, you’re destined for greater things,” she said in a post.

Last March 17, 2019, Binibining Pilipinas released the list of the Top 40 candidates which included Cebuana beauty queens Samantha Ashley Lo, Ilene Astrid de Vera, and Gazini Christiana Ganados.
Pageant fanatics and netizens were surpised after two other Cebuana titleholders, Miss Cebu 2015 Wynonah Buot and Miss Cebu 2013 Neesha Murjani, did not make it to the official roster this year.
Buot told Cebu Daily News Digital that her journey in the pageantry has come to an end.
She also confirmed this in an Instagram post as she expressed gratitude to everyone who supported her journey.
“I trust that God has bigger and better plans for me. His “because” will always be better than our “why’s.” It’s been a rough yet fun ride but I hope that you will continue to support me in my future endeavors. My journey in pageantry has finally come to an end,” she said on her post.
She also told CDN Digital that she will be staying in Manila where she works as a professional model and speech writer.
Buot’s first Binibining Pilipinas stint was in 2018, where she finished in the Top 15.
Just like Buot, Murjani also expressed her gratitude to her supporters.
“There are things we don’t understand but we have to trust God and His plans for us. My journey is what I call bittersweet and I happy that despite doubts and non-believers, I tried and did my best every step of the way. You will never know if you do not try right?” she told CDN Digital.
Murjani plans to continue her career as an entreprenuer and a digital marketing freelancer.
She joined Binibining Pilipinas 2015 along with Binibining Pilipinas Supranational 2015 Rogelie Catacutan. /bmjo



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