Eva Zellhofer welcomed by Miss World at Miss Polonia pageant night



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By Saif Rahman -June 1, 2022

Mrs. Austria World EVA ZELLHOFER welcomed by Miss World at Miss Polonia pageant night

The brilliant show of Miss Poland 2021/2022, broadcast live by the Polish TV channel TVP2, was moderated by the reigning Miss World Karolina Bielawska on Friday evening 27th May 2022

Mrs. Austria World Eva Zellhofer was joining this beautiful beauty pageant event already for the second time.

Again Eva Zellhofer was caught in the flashbulbs of the Polish press photographers.

The perfectly choreographed show inspired audiences from near and far.

In the photos shown Eva Zellhofer was welcomed by the current Miss World 2021/2022 to this fabulous pageant held in Poland.



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