EXCLUSIVE: Miss World America Shree Saini on success: It's your ability to be at peace with others



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by Musba Hashmi | Updated on Nov 11, 2021 05:39 PM IST 

Shree Saini wins Miss World America

Miss World America Shree Saini on success: It is your ability to be at peace with yourself and others
Handmade crown, a TV remote in hand, held as a mic, and the bed used as a makeshift podium, every girl, at least, once in her life has prepared her beauty pageant winning speech. And why not? After all, it’s almost every girl’s dream to walk the ramp, get crowned, and above all get abundant love from one and all. However, not everyone is able to achieve it, and those who do are nothing but the chosen ones.

A case in point is 25-year-old Shree Saini, who despite several curve balls that life has thrown at her, went on to become the first Indian-American to be crowned as Miss World America. The young achiever didn’t have it easy at all. From heart surgery to facial burns due to a car accident, she overcame it all.

Getting crowned didn’t merely mean winning the prestigious title for Saini, but it was more about the win of her inner daredevil, who refused to give up, and believed that she will do something big, sooner than later.

Ask Shree what does success means to her, and she is quick to answer. “Success is your ability to be at peace with yourself and others. In life, we will face many kinds of challenges, but our emotional management, our wise responses, our emotional well-being, our behaviour choices and our ability to choose calm over chaos is a success. We should not keep creating stress in response to any stressful situation, we need to stay grounded and ask ourselves that if this is worth my peace of mind. I intentionally choose my loving and forgiving responses. I am your happiness leader, I am a peacemaker with a pacemaker,” she says humbly.

She adds that what multiplies her happiness is that Miss World is not any other pageant, but a charity-based one. “The Miss World organisation has raised and donated USD 1.3 billion for the betterment of our world. Miss World is definitely focused on community service, it is a very wholesome pageant, all contestants are required to do community service work and present their work through BWAP videos. Beauty with a purpose-videos is the most important component of the Miss World pageant,” explains Saini.

The win, she says, has filled her house with positivity and love. People from all over the world are reaching out and appreciating what a brave heart she is. “My house is full of blessings. I have received more than 100 bouquets and greeting cards full of countless blessings. God, my mentors, coaches, teachers, guides and my parents have been holding my hands through heart surgery and recovery from the accident. I am forever grateful to the encouraging media members for their support in my life. I bow down to every media member who found my life story worthy of a mention,” she says.

Saini, who has seen the harsh realities of life at a young age, has a few positive messages to share. “Choose pure and endless love over bitterness. Love does not keep score. Choose sincere conversation over assumptions or gossip or silent treatments. Choose forgiveness over grudges and forgive completely not superficially. Choose kindness when given unkind treatment, that is true kindness, we can all be kind to people who are kind to us but true kindness is being kind to hurtful people and helping them elevate their behaviour by inspiring them with yours. Choose inclusion when you were ignored,” she says.



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