Fashion show gives a peek at Miss Marianas bets


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By Kimberly Bautista | Posted on Jan 23 2018

The eight candidates who will be vying for the 2018 Miss Marianas tiara this February pose with Miss Marianas 2016 Peachy Quitugua and a brand new 2018 Hyundai Elantra from Triple J Motors outside the T-Galleria. (Kimberly A. Bautista)

The eight candidates who will be vying for the 2018 Miss Marianas tiara this February walked the runway in a mini-fashion show called “Fashion by Nature” last Sunday evening in nature-inspired outfits at the T-Galleria.

According to Stellar Marianas president Laila Boyer, the show was held in preparation for the grand pageant on Feb. 24 and to give the candidates a taste of what pageant night would be like.

“Through a mini-fashion show representing the natural beauty of the islands…the eight lovely contestants got a taste of the Miss Marianas pageant stage set for this Feb. 24, “ she said.

The 2018 Miss Marianas contestants are Eden Conner, Jaiden McPhetres Santos, Cris Noel Obaldo, Kaysha Aguon Cruz, Leisha Mendiola Deleon Guerrero, Chloe Parrone Salvosa, Maricris Zapanta, and Celine Concepcion Cabrera.

The mini-fashion show was nature-themed to promote the Miss Marianas 2018 pageant theme.

“We wanted to promote the pageant theme for this year, which is ‘Enchanted,’ celebrating the beauty and enchantment of our local forests, diverse wildlife, and the cultural traditions that weave around them,” said Boyer.

The show was a collaboration between the Commonwealth Cultural Arts Council and the Pena House Boutique and featured outfits that were paired with local and natural materials from talented artists Gloria and Jacob, Irma Scallamera, and Cris and Jun Factor. T-Galleria’s beauty team also helped with make up for the candidates.

Miss Marianas 2016 Peachy Quitugua and Stellar Marianas Community Events director Romolo Orsini served as master of ceremonies.

A brand new 2018 Hyundai Elantra from Triple J Motors was also unveiled.

“We love our longtime community partner, Triple J Motors, for providing the best and most stylish mode of transportation for a very busy queen who will be doing lots of volunteer work for the year,” said Boyer.

The candidates also had a daylong photo shoot at the Ed’s Bonita Park last Saturday and a Slumber Party at the Aqua Resort Club over the weekend.

The 2018 Miss Marianas pageant tickets are now on sale at $40 apiece. Tickets are available with any of the 2018 Miss Marianas contestants.

The pageant will be held on Feb. 24 at the Fiesta Resort & Spa Saipan. For more information, visit Stellar Marianas’ Facebook Page at


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