Femina Miss India 2020 runner-up Manya Singh meets Maharashtra governor



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October 05, 2021

Mumbai girl and now an icon for many in the city and the state of Maharashtra, Manya Singh, Femina Miss India 2020 runner-up, had the honour of a meeting with the Governor, Bhagat Singh Koshyari in Mumbai on Monday.

The daughter of an autorickshaw driver in Mumbai who challenged all odds to accomplish what she set out to, Manya became a sensation overnight last year when she won the runner-up title at the coveted Miss India pageant despite her modest background and difficult journey.

The focus of the Governor’s discussion with Manya was how she can use the platform and visibility she has to contribute to society. In particular, they spoke on the issues of women’s empowerment and on educating and raising the girl child with affection and pride. Mr Koshyari appreciated her courage and position on women’s issues, and remarked that she was not just a beauty queen but someone who is actively and passionately fighting for the rights of women, driven by her own personal experiences. He also applauded the attitude and strength that Manya demonstrated and remarked that with or without a crown, it would be a definer of her personality.

Manya, who believes that there is nothing that a girl cannot achieve and that every girl child has a right to dream, no matter where she is coming from, that she can achieve everything that she wants, thanked the Governor for his words of encouragement. The beauty queen, who has been an inspiration to many after they heard the story of her incredible journey, said that the meeting and encouragement left her with renewed strength to work for the welfare of women and the girl child.



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