Filipina-Japanese Crowned Miss Universe Japan 2020 Runner-Up


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By Gela Tianco 

What’s not to love about this proudly pinay beauty queen?

We can’t get over the fact that Manila-born Yuki Sonoda, a law graduate from Rikkyo University, was crowned 2nd runner-up at the Miss Universe Japan 2020 held last October 29! Beauty and brains, that’s for sure!

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She started joining pageants when she was 19 years old. Yuki shared that ever since she was a little girl, she had always dreamt of joining beauty pageants, especially the ones she watched on TV. Her personal experience of undergoing surgery to remove an ovarian cyst in 2019 made her realize that she can use her pageant experiences to raise awareness about women’s reproductive health.

She also shared that prioritizing family is an important Filipino trait her mother taught her. In Japan everyone lives alone, and on her days off she makes it a point to visit her parents and spend time with them.

Yuki sends all her thanks to her Filipino fans and shared that she would be joining another pageant next year.

To learn more about this beauty queen’s experience, watch the video below!


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