Finalists of Miss Vietnam pageant compete in swimsuit sub-contest


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The 35 finalists competing in Miss Vietnam 2020 have gathered together in Vung Tau city in order to participate in various activities as they vie for the pageant’s sub-titles, including the title of Miss Sea.


The finalists each compete in an array of sub-categories such as talent, swimsuit, and sports in Vung Tau city ahead of the start of the grand final. Indeed, the finale of the competition is scheduled to take place in Ho Chi Minh City on November 21.

Beauties participate in the swimsuit sub-category in Vung Tau city on November 5.

Each contestant puts their gorgeous face and wonderful figure on show as part of the competition.

When competing, some contestants choose a smooth and straight hairstyle as a means of showcasing their gentle and elegant beauty.

Here are some images of the pageant’s outstanding contestants:

The winners of the sub-categories will have a great chance of progressing into the competition’s top 20 or top 10 during the grand final.


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