First and original Miss Tibet crown has a new owner


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Founder and Director of the Miss Tibet Pageant Lobsang Wangyal (left) handing over the first and original Miss Tibet crown to Karma Kunsang of Snow Region Enterprises for his collection, at McLeod Ganj, India, on 28 November 2020. Tibet Sun/Contributor

Tibet Sun Newsroom

McLEOD GANJ, India, 28 November 2020

The first and the original crown of the Miss Tibet Pageant has a new owner in Karma Kunsang of Snow Region Enterprises in Majnu ka Tilla.

Kunsang acquires Tibetan items for his own collection.

The founder/director of the Pageant Lobsang Wangyal handed over the crown to Kunsang, witnessed by close friends at a café in McLeod Ganj.

The crown, designed by Lobsang Wangyal, has Tibetan motifs of a wheel of dharma in the middle, representing wisdom, with two lotus flowers symbolising beauty and purity. It was crafted with silver into a crown by renowned goldsmith Serso Kalsang.

Dolma Tsering was the first to win the crown in 2002, and the last time this crown was worn was by Tenzin Yangkyi from Switzerland in 2011. The events took place at Tipa in McLeod Ganj.

The current Miss Tibet crown is a copy of the original, made of white metal.

During the handing over of the crown, Wangyal jokingly told those who were there that he has some suits that he wore at the Pageant, which could also be owned. He wears shiny spectacular suits which have become a traditional part of the Miss Tibet Pageant shows.


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