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January 4, 2023 by archyde

On January 14, 2023, Floriane Bascou will represent France in the Miss Universe 2022 competition. Before flying to Louisiana in New Orleans where this international competition will take place, the Martinican prepared herself mentally and physically accordingly.

Saturday January 14, 2023, Miss Martinique 2021 will be the national representative of the new edition of the Miss Universe contest.

The local committee was entrusted with the preparation of the sacred candidate 1time runner-up to Miss France in 2022.

Martinican Floriane Bascou represents France in the Miss Universe 2022 competition, scheduled for January 14, 2023 in the United States.

©Capture Facebook Facebook Miss Martinique

Before taking the plane to the United States, in the direction of Louisiana (in New Orleans) where this international competition will take place, the Martinican therefore benefited from mental and physical support.

Floriane will have benefited from more than 130 hours of English, 4 hours of hairdressing lessons, 10 hours of mental coaching, unlimited access to a gym all year round, catwalk lessons in Paris, media training, more than 12 media national courses, access to improvisation classes, etc.

According to the Miss Martinique committee, the young lamentinoise also benefited from the coaching of a specialist in international competitions in France, a company vehicle and a salary, as part of her preparation.

Floriane Bascou / Miss France 2022 / contest / Miss Universe 2022
The Martinican Floriane Bascou, 1st runner-up of Miss France 2022, with the French flag whose colors she will defend at the Miss Universe competition, on January 14, 2023 in the USA.

©Capture Instagram florianebascouoff / DR

Presentation videos and two photo shoot sessions, the official shots of which have been taken, as well as the creation and making of the dress that Floriane will wear during the show.

In a video posted on November 19, 2022 on her Instagram page, our national representative invites the public to vote until D-Day, in order to support her candidacy.

I invite you to support my candidacy, to support France for this prestigious competition. I give you an appointment on January 14, but before that, you can vote every day. Kisses.

Instagram florianebascouoff
(November 19, 2022)

Floriane Bascou / Miss University 2023 contest
Martinican Floriane Bascou, on the poster for the Miss Universe 2022 competition, scheduled for January 14, 2023 in the USA.

©Capture Instagram Miss Martinique / DR

Floriane Bascou will celebrate her 21st birthday, 4 days before going on stage. France last won this glamorous competition in 2016.


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