Former Miss America Mallory Hagan slams disgraced CEO Sam Haskell following email scandal


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USA TODAY Published 9:17 a.m. ET Dec. 22, 2017 | Updated 9:19 a.m. ET Dec. 22, 2017

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Former Miss America Mallory Hagan, one of the pageant winners slut-shamed and fat-shamed in emails exchanged by the organization's CEO, Sam Haskell, and board members, says she feels validated after the Huffington Post published the offensive messages.

Hagan, who won the crown in 2013, shared her reaction with NBC's Today Show Friday.

"When I first read the emails in the article, I wasn't shocked but I was validated," she explained. "For the longest time, I'd try to explain to people around me this is happening, or these things are being said. And (now I) have the ability to look on paper and say, 'See, I told you.'"

The Internal emails show the offensive language Haskell used to describe Hagan, describing her as "fat and gross" in one note.

In another exchange from August 2014, Haskell received an email that said Hagan’s hairdresser had been commenting on Hagan’s sex life, as well as her recent weight gain.

Haskell forwarded the email to Miss America telecast lead writer Lewis Friedman and noted, “Not a single day passes that I am not told some horrible story about Mallory.”

Friedman replied, “Mallory’s preparing for her new career … as a blimp in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. As she continues to destroy her own credibility, her voice will attract less and less notice while she continues her descent to an unhappy pathetic footnote.”

Friedman ended the email with, “P.S. Are we four the only ones not to have (slept with) Mallory?”

Haskell replied, “It appears we are the only ones!”

The emails also suggest Haskell smeared Hagan and her pageant-coaching business after he became convinced she was personally maligning him.

Soon afterward, Hagan's name was added to a list of coaches that Miss America contestants were not allowed to use, and "soon after, Hagan’s lucrative coaching business fell apart," according to the Huffington Post story.

In response to the story, Dick Clark Productions, producer of the live telecast, has cut ties with the Miss America Organization because of the offensive correspondence.

USA TODAY has contacted the Miss America organization for comment.


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