Former Miss Ireland and direct provision resident Pamela Uba graduates from Trinity


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The 26-year-old, who became the first black woman to be crowned Miss Ireland last year, graduated with a Masters of Science in Clinical Chemistry from TCD.

Pamela Uba on her graduation day at Trinity. Picture: @pamela.ashley.uba / Instagram

THU, 07 APR, 2022 - 11:31 NICOLE GLENNON

Former Miss Ireland and direct provision resident Pamela Uba graduated from Trinity College Dublin yesterday.

The 26-year-old, who became the first black woman to be crowned Miss Ireland last year, graduated with a Masters of Science in Clinical Chemistry from TCD.

The medical science student spent 10 years in a Direct Provision centre in Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo and since winning the Miss Ireland competition, has used her platform to advocate for changes to the system.

Speaking to the Irish Examiner last year, the pageant queen said she speaks about her background to raise awareness.

"I think we get such a bad name as people from a direct provision background," she said.

Pamela Uba. Picture: DeMarra Photogrpahy

"Some people think we just want handouts but I'm proof that that is not the case. I work for everything I get.

"I went to college as soon as I could get in and I started working in the HSE before my results even arrived in final year. I did not want to be dependent on anyone and that's how I've always been."


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