Former Miss Rwanda faces forgery-related charges Aurore Teta Ufitiwabo


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By Aurore Teta Ufitiwabo Published : May 16, 2022 

Miss Elsa Iradukunda.

Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) has submitted, to the National Public Prosecution Authority, the case file of Elsa Iradukunda who is suspected of committing various crimes.

The former Miss Rwanda was arrested alongside notary Nasra Uwitonze. She is charged with three counts including influencing assistants in judicial organs, giving false testimony as well as forgery, falsification and use of forged documents.

Iradukunda was arrested on May 8 while her co-accused Uwitonze was arrested on May 10.

Iradukunda was detained a few days after the arrest of Prince Kid, the CEO of Rwanda Inspiration Back-Up—an organisation that used to organise the Miss Rwanda Beauty pageant.

She is accused of attempting to hamper investigations into various crimes related to sexual abuse that were slapped on Prince Kid— who is also believed to be her boyfriend.

Uwitonze is reported to be the one who illegally notified the said forged documents.

The duo’s case was handed to NPPA on Friday, May, 13, said Thierry Murangira, the Spokesperson of the RIB.

The NPPA is expected to examine the dossier before deciding on whether to produce the suspect before a court.


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