Former Miss Universe Australia winners claim prestigious pageant is no longer a beauty contest


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In July, a new homegrown sweetheart will be crowned Miss Universe Australia.

And former Miss Universe Australia winners Olivia Wells and Olivia Rogers claim the soon-to-be pageant queen has an exciting journey ahead.

Speaking to The Herald Sun, Rogers said the pageant is ‘the complete opposite’ from its former superficial basis, adding: ‘It is much more about personality, intelligence and your inner beauty rather than just how you look.’

‘It’s much more about personality, intelligence and inner beauty’: Former Miss Universe Australia winners claim prestigious pageant is ‘complete opposite’ to what it was years ago (PICTURED: 2017 titleholder Olivia Rogers)

Miss Universe is an annual international beauty pageant that is run by the Miss Universe Organization, and was formed 65 years ago in 1952.

Rogers, who is the current titleholder, said entrants benefit greatly from the overall experience: ‘From the girls who participate you hear nothing but positive feedback about how much their confidence has been built up.’

Wells, who won the crown in 2013, agreed: ‘If you go in there wanting to be a career pageant girl, then that is what you will get out of it, but if you go in there wanting to develop your own self, get a better idea of who you are under pressure, and extend your skills for your future career, that is all possible.’

'I translated my pageant experience into furthering my medical career': Wells, who won the crown in 2013, said winners could make their own opportunities after the pageant, which weren't restricted to looks
‘I translated my pageant experience into furthering my medical career’: Wells, who won the crown in 2013, said winners could make their own opportunities after the pageant, which weren’t restricted to looks

Speaking of her own stint, she said: ‘I translated my pageant experience into furthering my medical career. After I won Miss Universe Australia I chose to do a lot of medical charity work and meet people.’

Crown or no crown, plenty of pageant entrants have gone on to successful careers in the media.

Erin McNaught, Jecinta Franklin and Rachael Finch have been some of the notable names to have represented Australia in Miss Universe.

Stunner! Jennifer Hawkins has become a household name after taking out Miss Universe in 2004 (PICTURED)

Whereas Jennifer Hawkins has become a household name after taking out Miss Universe in 2004.

While the pageant began in 1952, it wasn’t until 2000 that Australia had a designated representative in each year’s global event.

This year’s Miss Universe Australia be announced in July, with the Miss Universe international pageant taking place later in the year.

The show goes on! This year’s Miss Universe Australia be announced in July, with the Miss Universe international pageant taking place later in the year (PICTURED: Jennifer Hawkins in 2004)


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