Freshman crowned Miss Georgia Teen USA 2021


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March 15, 2021 by J.K. Devine

Elizabeth "Liza" Greenberg won the title of 2021 Miss Georgia Teen USA in February. She is a freshman at the University of North Georgia.

When she was 8 years old, Elizabeth "Liza" Greenberg was introduced to the world of pageants by her favorite neighbor. Then at 13, she won her first major title.

"That win made me want to continue with pageants," Greenberg said. "It made me yearn for something bigger."

Something bigger arrived six years later. The University of North Georgia (UNG) freshman became the reigning Miss Georgia Teennew window USA in February.

"It was surreal to hear my name called this year, because I didn't hear it last year," said Greenberg, who was first runner-up for 2020. "Now, things have come full circle."

Greenberg, who is pursuing a degree in elementary and special education, plans to share her story of commitment and resilience with others via digital meetings and, she hopes, in-person appearances later this year.

"I want to inspire people not to give up," said the 19-year-old from Peachtree City, Georgia. "I was the first returning first runner-up to win since 1997. I took my previous loss as a push and drive. That's what I want to show girls. I want to show them that if first you don't succeed, then try again."


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