Future of Miss America is up in the air



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Where does Miss America pageant go from here? Linzie Janis reports during Action News at 12:30 p.m. on December 26, 2017. (WPVI)

Tuesday, December 26, 2017 01:03PM

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -- The future of Miss America is up in the air as the organization reels from an email scandal in its upper ranks.

The scandal began when the Huffington Post published leaked emails from CEO Sam Haskell, exposing crude and demeaning comments about contestants, like 1998 Miss America Kate Shindle.

"Right now, there is an opportunity for a graceful transition," Shindle said.

In the emails, 2013 Miss America Mallory Hagan was belittled about her love life and weight.

"Having someone bully you, belittle you, demean you, degrade you in any way is not ok no matter what," Hagan said.

At least one former winner didn't find the scandal shocking. Caressa Cameron Jackson says she found the Miss America Organization to be a toxic working environment.

"After giving up my crown, I didn't go back to the Miss America pageant for five years just because I was so hurt by the way I was treated," Cameron Jackson said.

The fallout for the 96-year-old pageant has been fast and furious.

Television producing partner Dick Clark Productions has cut ties with Miss America, calling the emails "appalling."

Dozens of former winners signed a petition calling on the group's leadership to step down. That demand has been granted.

Those forced out include Haskell, board chairman Lynn Weidner, and COO Josh Randle. Randle tells ABC News, the emails pre-date his employment with the organization, but adds, "It does not reflect my values or the values I worked to promote at the Miss America Organization."

CEO Sam Haskell tells ABC the emails are "conveniently edited" and the events "are not as described."



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