Gazini Christiana Ganados' winning answer at Binibining Pilipinas 2019


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She answered a question about getting more women in the workplace
Published 2:02 AM, June 10, 2019

GAZINI GANADOS. The new Miss Universe is photographed at the Binibining Pilipinas 2019 talent competition in March. Photo by Dion Besa/Rappler

MANILA, Philippines – Gazini Christiana Ganados from Talisay, Cebu was crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2019 early morning Monday, June 10, during the Binibining Pilipinas finals night at the Smart Araneta Coliseum.

Gazini answered a question from judge Bobby Barreiro who asked her: "If you win the crown tonight, what can you do to get more women in the workplace?"

Her answer:

"If I win the crown tonight, what I will do is to promote my advocacy. My advocacy is for us women to fight for our rights and for the elderly care and for us to be able to know that someone is loving and someone is pushing us to whatever ambitions that we have. We will be able to rise from our decisions to whatever dreams that we have, goals that we have, and we will achieve it because of those values, those wisdoms that they gave us. Thank you."

Gazini will represent the country in the Miss Universe pageant later this year. –


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