Gazini Ganados is beautiful even without makeup on


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By: Cris Evert Lato-Ruffolo - CDN Digital|November 23,2019 - 08:56 AM 

NO makeup? No problem! Miss Universe Philippines 2019 Gazini Christiana Ganados shows her bare face. | Photo from Gazini Ganados Instagram account

CEBU CITY, Philippines — Without concealer and lipstick, how do you really look like?

For some beauty queens, makeup covers their flaws. That is why they find it awkward to go out of the house without full makeup on.

But not Miss Universe Philippines 2019 Gazini Christiana Ganados.

In an Instagram post, the Cebuana beauty queen, who earned the right to represent the country in the international pageant after winning the most coveted Miss Universe Philippines title last June 2019, shared a photo of herself without any makeup on.

She accompanied the photo with a caption that says: “Despite growing up with people telling me that I look different from other girls my age, I learned to accept that we are all diverse.”

The beauty queen, who was born to a Filipino mother and Palestinian father, said she learned to embrace her flaws and be happy about the skin that she is in.

“Each one of us has flaws and those flaws make us unique and interesting,” she said.

“You owe it to yourself to celebrate your flaws, to delight in your imperfections, and to love the skin you are in. You are beautiful and worthy,” she continued.

This is not the first time for Ganados to go makeup free. In an episode of Tonight With Boy Abunda, Ganados wiped off the makeup on her face to reveal a bare-face beauty queen.

Ganados is set to compete on December 8 (December 9, Philippine time) at the Tyler Perry Studios in Atlanta, Georgia.

Pageant fans are hoping for Ganados to make history by winning the pageant and mark the first back-to-back win of the Philippines in the Miss Universe pageant.


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