Germany’s Jasmin Selberg is Miss International 2022


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DEC 13, 2022 4:36 PM PHT RAPPLER.COM

Meanwhile, Philippines' Hannah Arnold finishes in the Top 15

MANILA, Philippines – Jasmin Selberg of Germany was crowned Miss International 2022 at the pageant’s finals night held in Tokyo, Japan on Tuesday, December 13.

Jasmin bested 65 candidates in the competition to be Germany’s fourth representative to win the title.

Jasmin succeeded Miss International 2019’s Bint Sireethorn Leearamwat. Bint, who came from Thailand, held the crown for more than three years as both the 2020 and 2021 editions of the pageant were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The rest of the top five was ranked as follows:

1st runner-up: Stephany Amado (Cabo Verde)
2nd runner-up: Tatiana Calmell (Peru)
3rd runner-up: Natalia Lopez Cardona (Colombia)
4th runner-up: Celinee Santos Frias (Dominican Republic)


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