Girlfriend of slain Putin enemy Boris Nemtsov emerges from hiding to enter beauty pageant three years after she saw the leading Russian opposition figure gunned down near the Kremlin


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Anna Duritska was the only witness to assassination of Boris Nemtsov in 2015
Ukrainian was with former deputy PM when he was gunned down near Kremlin
Duritska, 26, was severely traumatised - and retreated to her Ukrainian home
The model is now set to emerged from hiding to perform at a beauty pagent


PUBLISHED: 10:47 BST, 13 August 2018 | UPDATED: 19:15 BST, 13 August 2018

The model girlfriend of murdered Boris Nemtsov - a leading foe of Vladimir Putin - is making a comeback as a beauty contestant.

Ukrainian Anna Duritska was the only witness to the assassination of Russia's top pro-Western democratic politician in February 2015.

The couple were walking close to the Kremlin when the former deputy prime minister was gunned down in front of his lover, now 26.

In the aftermath of the shooting she was severely traumatised - and retreated to her Ukrainian home in the midst of a Russian media 'smear campaign' to blacken her name over the shooting by implying she had led assassins to 55-year-old Nemtsov, allegations without foundation.

Now the fashion model - who has describes herself as 'calm, friendly, elegant' - is making a major return as a contestant in the Miss Ukraine Universe 2018 pageant on August 14.

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Anna Duritska (pictured), the glamorous model girlfriend of murdered Boris Nemtsov is making a comeback as a beauty contestant. Nemtsov, a leading Putin critic, was gunned down in front of his lover in Moscow in 2015

Ukrainian Anna Duritska (pictured) was the only witness to the assassination of Russia's top pro-Western democratic politician in February 2015

The couple were walking close to the Kremlin when the former deputy prime minister was gunned down in front of his lover, now 26. Pictured: The crime scene in the aftermath of the shooting in February 2015

Five people were convicted and jailed for Nemtsov's (pictured) murder but the person who ordered the shooting has not been apprehended - leading to claims of a Kremlin-led cover up

In response to the killing, Putin (pictured yesterday) praised his long-time enemy Nemtsov and told his elderly mother in a telegram that Russia would do everything to bring those responsible for the 'vile and cynical crime' to justice

Duritska - also spelled Duritskaya - vanished amid concerns for her health after the murder but now she is urging Ukrainians to 'support me' in her quest for the title.

'I am a finalist of the contest Miss Ukraine Universe. And I believe that beauty will save the world,' she posted.

Devoted to charity work, she told supporters: 'To feel how much you are loved, and love in return - it means understanding the true meaning of life, this is love.'

Earlier she posted: 'Whatever happens, smile, be calm and friendly with everyone! Your tears, pain and suffering are needed by others only for gossip.'

The model said in a video that her biggest dreams are a career in journalism - and winning the beauty contest.

Five people were convicted and jailed for Nemtsov's murder but the person who ordered the shooting has not been apprehended - leading to claims of a Kremlin-led cover up.

'I didn't see a man. When I turned, I only saw a car of light colour, but I didn't see either the brand or the numbers of the car which was leaving.'

Duritska - also spelled Duritskaya - vanished amid concerns for her health after the murder but now she is urging Ukrainians to 'support me' in her quest for the title

The model said in a video that her biggest dreams are a career in journalism - and winning the beauty contest

The model shared an elite duplex apartment with Nemtsov on Malaya Ordynka Street, including a bathroom and main bedroom with views over the spires and domes of the Kremlin

On who killed her lover, a former Russian deputy prime minister who died as he was preparing a report on 'corruption' by Putin's government, she said: 'I do not know who did it.'

To other questions, she replied 'I don't remember' while also criticising investigators for her repeated questioning while traumatised by her loss.

The model shared an elite duplex apartment with Nemtsov on Malaya Ordynka Street, including a bathroom and main bedroom with views over the spires and domes of the Kremlin.

It was at this flat that lingerie pictures of Duritskaya were found by police.

These were later leaked to the pro-Kremlin media, along with a version - later discredited - that she could have been a plant by Ukrainian secret services, blamed by some Moscow news outlets for his death.

The politician was penning a dossier on alleged Kremlin corruption when he was shot.

Asked about who killed her lover, Russian deputy prime minister who died as he was preparing a report on 'corruption' by Putin's government, Anna said: 'I do not know who did it'

Nemtsov's death sparked demonstrations in Russia and global outrage as world leaders including then British Prime Minister David Cameron and US President Barack Obama condemned the violent act.

Cameron said at the time: 'I am shocked and sickened by the callous murder of Boris Nemtsov as he walked in the heart Moscow.

'This despicable act must be fully, rapidly and transparently investigated, and those responsible brought to justice.'

In response to the killing, Putin praised his long-time enemy Nemtsov and told his elderly mother in a telegram that Russia would do everything to bring those responsible for the 'vile and cynical crime' to justice.


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